AWR Index

Women in business
Young Women’s Christian Association [YWCA] (Egypt)
ʾAbū al-Alā al-Mawdūdī
"Kingdom of Heaven" (film, 2005)
1996-Isis Nawār
A fatwā that states that mocking the prophet or the Qur'ān is punishable by death
Ahmad ʿIzz al-Dīn
al-Fāris, Robier, Samā min Turāb
Al-Muharraq monastery
Alī Abū al-Saūd Mustafá
Amr Ibn al-As (Men of Destinies), Series (2003)
Amr Khālid
Arab discussions about human rights in the West
Arab reporting about Western Christian delegations visiting Egypt
Arab writers writing about the history of the Torah and Talmud
AWR workshop for journalists (2002)
Bishop Bīshūy, Sharh al-Ī;mān al-Urthuthūksī
Bishop Demetrius (Mallāwī)
Bishop Taklā, land sold owned by the patriarchy
Books about the Muslim Brotherhood
Books related to Arab-West relations
Books related to Judaism, anti-Semitism and Christian Zionism
Business people affecting social and economic development in the Arab world
Catholic Churches in the Arab World
Center for Human Rights and National Unity
Charging to enter houses of worship
Children's rights
Christian cassette and video for teaching Christianity
Christian Messianism in the Arab world
Coptic Orthodox abbots
Discussions about arrests of Sept 5 1981
Discussions about extremism and terrorism and Islam
Discussions about Law of Hisbah
Discussions about priesthood and rules
Discussions about sectarian strife
Discussions about the principle of Khalīfah in Islam
Dr. Ibrāhīm al-Jiyūshī
Dr. Mahmūd Izzat
Dr. Mustafa Mahmoud
Egyptian-European relations
Father Basāda Zakī, Ard al-Liwā church, Giza
Father Makarius Yūsuf Labīb (Abū Quras)
Female preaching
Ferrigno, Robert, Prayers for the Assassin (2006)
Frank Aytman
French occupation (1798-1801)
Gharbiya (al-Gharbiyyah)
Gibb, Hamilton, Sir (1895-1971)
Group of democratic development (2005)
Hanging Church (1996 - 2001)
Inter-religious relations in Iraq
International Coptic Federation
Islamic Organizations in the West
Ismailia (al-Ismāʿīliyyah)
Jamāl al-Bannā (Islam and freedom of thought)
Kamāl Zākhir Mūsā
Madrid, Spain (2004)
Media Criticism
Media Gags
Military Court(s) and tribunal(s)
Ministry of Higher Education
Monastery of Muharraq
Muhammad Abd al-Maqsūd
Muhammad ʿImārah, Dr.
Munīr Fakhrī Abd al-Nūr
Muntasir al-Zayyāt
Muslim Brotherhood in sports clubs and youth centers
National Salvation party
New Testament Church/ Coptic Testimonial Church
Organizational Structure of the Church (Positions of Pope, Bishops, Priests)
Pat Robinson, Rev, (Christian Alliance)
Polygamy in Islam and Christianity
Presbyterian and Reformed churches
President Hāfiz al-Asad (1971- 2000)
Prior, M. They came and they saw
Program for Civilizations Studies and Dialogue of Cultures
Radwān Fathī, The role of clerics in modern Egyptian history (1982)
Religiousness in society
Social Constitutional party, (Al Hizb al-Dustūri al Hurr)
Tāriq Hijjī (Tarek Heggy)
The critique of the religious beliefs of non-mainstream religious groups
The killing of two Americans in Kuwait (2003)
The Netherlands
The Punishment Council of the Azhar
The relationship between the Vatican and the US
Traditions/Schools of Islam
Transplantation of human organs
US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF)
Yemeni Jewish community
ʿAbd Allāh Azzām brigades
1995-1996-Demanding Protection Money from Christians
19th century Egypt (1801-1882)
Acceptance of non-Muslim students at the Azhar University
Al-Ahrār party
al-Ghad newspaper (attacking prophet's companions) (2006)
