Jamāl al-Bannā (Dr.) |
Jamal Fahmī, 1998 |
Kamāl Zākhir Mūsā |
Killing of American missionaries in Lebanon (2002) |
Latin Catholic Church (including Franciscans) |
Leaders of the Egyptian Labor Party |
Loyalty to own group or family |
Majdī Khalīl (Book: The emigrant Copts, 1999) |
Mamluk and Ottoman (1291-1916) |
Masarah Monastery (2005) |
Metropolitan Bishouy, Damietta |
Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) (USA) |
Mīlād Hannā, Dr. |
Military law |
Ministry of Finance |
Monastery of Drunkah |
Moroccan Jewish community |
Morocco (2003) |
Movements/discussions |
Muhammad Abd al-Salām Faraj |
Muhammad Hidāyah |
Muhammad Mahdī Akif |
Muhammad Shawqī al-Islāmbulī |
Muslim opposition in the West |
Muslim World League (MWL) |
Muslim Youth Association (Egypt) |
Naqada, Qena |
Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd (Dr.) |
National Centre for sociological and criminological research |
National council for motherhood and childhood |
National Democratic Party (NDP) |
National unity between Muslims and Christians |
New York Council of Churches (NYCC) |
Nour satellite chanel |
Operation Mobilisation (OM) |
Organizations working for dialogue |
Palestinians seeking shelter in Church of Nativity (2002) |
Patriarchs |
Policy and structure of the Muslim Brotherhood |
Political parties/movements |
Preaching in Islam using audio tapes |
Presidential elections October 2005 and analysis |
Priests who are or have been critiqued by the church hierarchy |
Public manifestations |
Qutbiyūn (1999) |
Rajā'ī Atīyah |
Rleations between the Azhar and Protestant churches |
Rodolph Yanney, Dr. |
Ṣaddām Ḥussaīn (1979-2003) |
Saīd Mansūr |
Salim al-Awwa, M. Al-Nizām al-Siyāsī lil-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah |
Sayf al-Islām Hasan al-Bannā |
Sebastianism |
Shorouq Airlines Company (2002) |
Shrines of Holy men |
Similar traditions in different cultures and religions (i.e. similarity print in stone between footprint of Jesus in Sacha and handprint of Sayyed Badawi in Tanta) |
Solar Eclipse |
Terrorist attacks by Jihād |
Terrorists attacks carried out by Al-Jamāʿah al-Islāmīyah |
Terrorists attacks carried out by al-Qāʿida |
The development of education (religious schools) |
TV- programs presenting Islam, Critique |
US treatment of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay (Cuba) |
Vatican or Coptic leaders' statements about Judaism |
Watanī |
Women in Islam |
ʾAbū al-Sandī |
1993- Christian deaths in Dayrūṭ |
Accusations of heresies in Islam mentioning people |
al-Bishrī, Tāriq, Muslims and Copts in the frame of the patriotic group |
Al-Ghad party/Ayman Nūr |
Al-Jamʿīah al-Sharīyah |
American occupation (2003) |
Arab-West Papers and Analyses |
Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald |
Arrest and release of members |
Articles written for AWR/RNSAW |
Bible translation/s |
Bird Flu |
Bishop Marqus, France (1994) |
Bribery |
Cairo |
Cairo center for human rights studies |
Call for Unified Personal Status Law |
CEDAW-UN Convention on discrimination against women |
Christian Zionism |
Church of the Holy virgin in al-Balyana |
Conflict over the church of Dayr al-Sultan, Jerusalem |
Consequences for development/economy |
Coptic endowments |
Coptic Orthodox General Bishops |
Coulson, Noel (1928-1986) |
Criticizing Western preachers (for Western political leaders see 3.2.1) |
Crusades (1096-1270 with battles until 17th century) |
Democratization and reporting on human rights issues |
Dialogue |
Discrimination of Christians in Music |
Discussion about Israeli stamp with an offensive picture |
Discussions about different types of marriage in Islam |
Discussions about freedom of religion |