AWR Index

Jamāl al-Bannā (Dr.)
Jamal Fahmī, 1998
Kamāl Zākhir Mūsā
Killing of American missionaries in Lebanon (2002)
Latin Catholic Church (including Franciscans)
Leaders of the Egyptian Labor Party
Loyalty to own group or family
Majdī Khalīl (Book: The emigrant Copts, 1999)
Mamluk and Ottoman (1291-1916)
Masarah Monastery (2005)
Metropolitan Bishouy, Damietta
Middle East Studies Association of North America (MESA) (USA)
Mīlād Hannā, Dr.
Military law
Ministry of Finance
Monastery of Drunkah
Moroccan Jewish community
Morocco (2003)
Muhammad Abd al-Salām Faraj
Muhammad Hidāyah
Muhammad Mahdī Akif
Muhammad Shawqī al-Islāmbulī
Muslim opposition in the West
Muslim World League (MWL)
Muslim Youth Association (Egypt)
Naqada, Qena
Naṣr Ḥāmid Abū Zayd (Dr.)
National Centre for sociological and criminological research
National council for motherhood and childhood
National Democratic Party (NDP)
National unity between Muslims and Christians
New York Council of Churches (NYCC)
Nour satellite chanel
Operation Mobilisation (OM)
Organizations working for dialogue
Palestinians seeking shelter in Church of Nativity (2002)
Policy and structure of the Muslim Brotherhood
Political parties/movements
Preaching in Islam using audio tapes
Presidential elections October 2005 and analysis
Priests who are or have been critiqued by the church hierarchy
Public manifestations
Qutbiyūn (1999)
Rajā'ī Atīyah
Rleations between the Azhar and Protestant churches
Rodolph Yanney, Dr.
Ṣaddām Ḥussaīn (1979-2003)
Saīd Mansūr
Salim al-Awwa, M. Al-Nizām al-Siyāsī lil-Dawlah al-Islāmiyah
Sayf al-Islām Hasan al-Bannā
Shorouq Airlines Company (2002)
Shrines of Holy men
Similar traditions in different cultures and religions (i.e. similarity print in stone between footprint of Jesus in Sacha and handprint of Sayyed Badawi in Tanta)
Solar Eclipse
Terrorist attacks by Jihād
Terrorists attacks carried out by Al-Jamāʿah al-Islāmīyah
Terrorists attacks carried out by al-Qāʿida
The development of education (religious schools)
TV- programs presenting Islam, Critique
US treatment of prisoners in Guantanamo Bay (Cuba)
Vatican or Coptic leaders' statements about Judaism
Women in Islam
ʾAbū al-Sandī
1993- Christian deaths in Dayrūṭ
Accusations of heresies in Islam mentioning people
al-Bishrī, Tāriq, Muslims and Copts in the frame of the patriotic group
Al-Ghad party/Ayman Nūr
Al-Jamʿīah al-Sharīyah
American occupation (2003)
Arab-West Papers and Analyses
Archbishop Michael Fitzgerald
Arrest and release of members
Articles written for AWR/RNSAW
Bible translation/s
Bird Flu
Bishop Marqus, France (1994)
Cairo center for human rights studies
Call for Unified Personal Status Law
CEDAW-UN Convention on discrimination against women
Christian Zionism
Church of the Holy virgin in al-Balyana
Conflict over the church of Dayr al-Sultan, Jerusalem
Consequences for development/economy
Coptic endowments
Coptic Orthodox General Bishops
Coulson, Noel (1928-1986)
Criticizing Western preachers (for Western political leaders see 3.2.1)
Crusades (1096-1270 with battles until 17th century)
Democratization and reporting on human rights issues
Discrimination of Christians in Music
Discussion about Israeli stamp with an offensive picture
Discussions about different types of marriage in Islam
Discussions about freedom of religion
