AWR Index

Muhammad Alī Bishr, Dr
Muhammad Ibrāhīm Mahfūz's sect
Muslims and Christians helping to build mosques and churches
Naipaul, V.S, Among the Believers: an Islamic journey (2001)
Opposition to and critique of the Muslim Brotherhood
Pipes, Daniel (1949-)
Raising historical Jewish issues for political reasons
Relations between Christians in the West and in the Arab World
Reporting discrimination
Restoration of St. Mary Monastery in Asyut Montain (1999)
Rifa'at Zaydān
Saudi Arabia
Sayyid al-Qimnī
Sohag (Suhaj)
al-Tabarī, Alī Bin Rabban, al-Rad alá Asnāf al-Nasārah
Al-ʿAdl wa al-Ihsān [Charity and Justice]
Azhar area attack, Egypt (2005)
Bishop Boula (Tantā)
Discussion about emigration of young people
Discussions about categories of Christians
Discussions about raising the age of guardianship for children
Dr. Alī al-Sammām
Dr. Mahmūd Ghazlān
Extradition of Islamists to Egypt
Islamic discussions about obligation to wear the veil
Issues that involved or could have involved Muslim-Christian relations
Jamāl al-Dīn, A. History of Egypt...
Karam Zuhdī
Killing Israelis / Destroying Israel
Land Center for human rights
Louis Awwad (An introduction to the grammar of the arabic language)
Ministry of Social Affairs
Monastery of St. Simān, Muqattam mountain/Garbage City
Mubārak, Muhammad Husnī (1991-1996)
Nivīn Malāk Samālūt (2003)
Phillips, M. Londonistan: How Britain is creating a terror state from within
Political and Social Context in the Arab/Islamic World
Restoration of Holy Virgin Church in Dirwah (1999)
Rodinson, Maxime (1914-2004)
Sects that appeared around the Millennium
Sons of Haroum (Jewish sect)
Structure of the Coptic Orthodox Church
Terrorist attacks on Christians in Abū Qurqas
1997-Stabbing of Father Isṭīfānūs Ṣubḥī
2003-Nirmīn Samʿān Ṣādiq
Bibāwī, N. L., Problems of Copts in Egypt and their solution
Bomb attacks in Sharm al-Shaykh (2005) and Dahab (2005)
Christian poets in the Arabian Peninsula
Conflicts between Orthodox and secular Jews
Democracy in Islamic thinking
Discussions about corruption in society
Discussions about women in judiciary positions
Disputing the validity of certain Islamic sects
Dr. Hasan al-turabi
Dr. Muhammad Nā'īl al-Sawāf
Hizb al-Nahdah/ The party of rebirth
Issues related to the Coptic Church Discussed in Arab Media
Joyner R. The Harvest
Legal Institutions and Discussions about Laws
Metropolitan Mikha’īl (Assiut)
Ministry of Tourism
Monastery of Saint Thomas, north of Akhmīn
Movement of the ten commandments
Mubārak, Muhammad Husnī (1996-2001)
Muhammad Sayyid Habīb
Pintak, Laurence, America, Islam and the War of Words (2005)
Relations with Churches in Asia
Roy, Olivier (1949-)
The isolation of the Christian youth
The National Council for Human Rights (NCHR)
1997-Attempt to Burn a House Belonging to a Monk (ʿIzbat Jirjis, Munūfiyya, Egypt)
2003-Christine & Marian Nādir Kamāl (Bilqās, Daqahliyya, Egypt)
Arab-Israeli Conflict
Bishop Paphnotius (Samālūt)
Civil Observatory for Human Rights
Critique on the public appearance of religion in society
Discussions about incest
Discussions Bedouins involved in terrorist attacks
Fatwas on euthanasia
Hizb al-Taḥrīr
Islamists in Parliament
Kamāl, K. Talāq al-Aqbāt
Ministry of Trade and Industry
Monastery of Virgin Mary in Jabal Assiūt
Movements Drawing People away from Church/ Establishing New Churches
Mubārak, Muhammad Husnī (2002-)
Muhammad Ashūr
New Church in Hilwan, Egypt (2000)
Pittelkow and Jaspersen, Islamists and Naivists (2006)
Usāmah Anwar Ukashah
ʾAbū al-ʿIlā Mādī
1998-Alleged Arson of Christian-Owned Factories
2004- Hāydī Ḥakīm Manqariyyūs Ṣalīb
Ahmad Baghdādī
Archeology and Culture in Arab countries
Articles highlighting Identity/Religious Symbols
