Bishop Maximos (Banhā) |
Dalrymple, William, From the Holy Mountain, A journey in the shadow of Byzantium |
Discussions about unifying the call to prayer |
Dr. Abd al-Mutī Bayyūmī (Muslim thinker) |
Explosions in Amman, Jordan (2005) |
Fatwās about Muslim-Christian relations |
Internet Links (Coptic Church) |
Islamic Action Front (IAF) |
January 25 Revolution (2011) |
McClellan, M. Monasticism in Egypt |
Men and women shaking hands |
Mukhtār Nūh |
New church in Marina, Alexandria (2000) |
Schimmel, Annemarie (1922-2003) |
Sharīf, Mustafā, L’islam, tolerant ou intolerant? (2006) |
State Information Service |
Traditional ways of healing |
United Arab Emirates (UAE) |
1999- Land Dispute (Abū Tīj, Asyūṭ, Egypt) |
2004-Wafāʾ Qusṭanṭīn |
Aden Abyan Islamic Army |
Bahrām Bidā'ī (Iran) |
Bishop Serabamun (Cairo) |
closing a church in Sharm al-Shaykh (2000) |
Conversion From Islam |
Dā'ūd, Abd al-Ahad, Muhammad in the Holy Book |
Dahab, Egypt (April, 2006) |
Dr. Nimat Ahmad Fu'ād |
Fatwas on Islam and art |
History |
Islam and science |
Meinardus, O. Two Thousand Years of Coptic Christianity |
Organizations advocating Muslim-Christian understanding and cooperation |
Relations with other churches |
Sayyid Qutb |
Smith, Jane, Islam in America (1999) |
Steinschneider, Mortiz (1816-1907) |
Weapons-problems with people having weapons |
Yemen |
1998-2000-al-Kushḥ Incidents |
2004-Asyūṭ NDP Official Accused of Forcing Christians to Convert |
Attack on a group of tourists in Amman, Jordan (September 2006) |
Bishop Ghabriel (Beni Suef 2000-) |
Books referring to Muslim-Christian relations |
Dafash, Qusiyah, Assiut (2000) |
Discussions about sex education amongst the youth |
Dr. Abd al-Sabūr Shāhin (Abī Adam/My father Adam) |
Dr. Mahmūd Himya (Muslim thinker) |
Environmental issues |
Fu'ād, M. The way of pain, sectarian strife from a Coptic point of view |
Inappropriate behavior of religious people/marriage of priests |
Islamic Salvation Front (FIS) |
Life Insurance and Islamic life insurance |
Meinardus, O. Christian Egypt; Faith and Life |
Non-Arab countries |
Somalia |
Steppat, Fritz (1923-2006) |
Steppat, Fritz, Islam as a partner (2001) |
Tāriq Ramadān |
Thekra Mohammad Abdullah Al-dali |
1999-Appropriation of Land from Upper Egyptian Christian Farmer |
2004-Nādiyya Ṣamūʾīl ʿAṭiyya |
Attempted terrorist attack in Sinai (September 2006) |
Authors that have been criticized for violating religious or social norms |
Bishop Daniel (Maādī) |
Discussions about applying hudūd |
Discussions about using religious slogans as trade marks |
Dr. Saʿd Zaghlūl |
Evangelical Church of Abu Hammad al-Sharqiyah (Restoration stopped 2000) |
Fahmī Huwaydī |
Goddard, Hugh, Muslim perceptions of Christianity |
Islamist Lawyer's Front Association (1986) |
Khālid Dūrān (The seed of Abraham) |
Killing terrorists |
Miftāh, R. The Coptic Orthodox Liturgy of St. Basil |
Watson, John, Listening to Islam (2005) |
Watt, William Montgomery, Dr. (1909-2006) |
1999-Bishop Makāriyyūs of Sinai's Car Accident |
2004-Marwā Nassīm Faraj |
author unknown,The New Crusader War |
Bishop Aghabious (Dayr Muwās) |
Disputes between Muslims and Christians over the church in Izbat al-Kharwa Khurshid, Alexandria (2000) |
Dr. Muhammad Fattūh (2007) |
Fatwas on male and female circumcision |
Hanna, Mīlād, Acceptance of the other |
Jund Allāh |
Muhammad ʿImārah, Dr. |
Perry, P. Jesus in Egypt |
Philosophy of Islam |
Using jokes as a way of expression |
Violence and militant attacks in Algeria |
1999-Attack on Father Bisāda Iskārūs (Dayrūṭ, Egypt) |
2005-Eva Thomas Faḥmī Asad |
Author unknown, Islam, the West and the Possibility of Dialogue |
Bishop Aghathūn (Marāghah) |
Discussions about demonstrations in houses of worship |
Dr. Safināz Kāzim |
Faraj Fūdah (1946-1992) |
Islamic National Front |
Marriage in Islam (different forms) |