Nakhlah Rafā'īl, Y. The History of the Coptic Nation |
Restoration of church in al-Max, Alexandria (2000) |
Violence and militant attacks in Yemen |
ʿImārah, M. Scientific notes on the book of Christ in Islam |
1999-Bus Accident During Christian Pilgrimage (Banī Suwayf, Egypt) |
2005-Hiba Samīr Wahbah |
Arrest of groups violating Sharīah |
Bishop Kyrillos (Naj Hammadī) |
Discussion about celebrating the Western New Year |
Dr. Muhammad 'Imarah, The Sedition of Takfir |
Marriage to Israeli women (harām) |
The Returnees from Albania |
Vivian, T. Words to live by: Journeys in Ancient and Modern Egyptian Monasticism |
ʿAbd al-Hamīd Kishk |
2000-Sudanese-Egyptian clashes in ʿAbbāsīyya (Cairo, Egypt) |
2005-Injī Hilmī George Labīb |
Alā' Hāmid (a room in a man's mind) |
Bishop Apollo (Tur Sinai) |
Jād Allāh, Talat, Qadayā sha'kah wa-ru'á mustaqbalīyah |
Martyrdom attacks or operations |
Modern Islamic songs and using Qurʻānic verses in songs |
Mustafā Mahmūd |
New Church in Muqattam, Cairo (2001) |
Racism |
Takfīr wa-al-Hijrah [Jamaʿat al-Muslimin] |
Watson, J. Among the Copts |
2000-Land Dispute Resulting in the Death of a Muslim |
Alā' Hāmid (A tract in a man's mind) |
Bishop Aghathun (Brazil) |
Discussion about the role of Islamic Institutions |
Hasan Hanafī (co-author: Islam and the 15th hijrī century) |
Jamāl Qutb |
Labīb, H, Religious protection crisis: Religion & the State in Egypt |
Martyrdom: what makes a person a martyr |
New church in Bulaq Abu al-llah (2001) |
Samya Zarīf Samān (February 2005) |
Talāʿ al-Fath al-Islāmī |
Wiens, C. Y. Coptic Life in Egypt |
2001-Demise of the Holy Tree in Jabal al-Ṭayr |
2005-Injī ʿĀdil Wāsīlī |
Bishop Yūsuf (Bolivia) |
Discussion about al-Shafāah |
Dr. Tāriq Ramadān |
Haydar Haydar (Banquet of the seaweed) |
Miss Egypt elections |
Murjān, Muhammad Majdī, Al-Masīh: Insān am Ilāh? |
New church in Tur, South of Sinai (2001) |
Nugūm min Nār |
Yūsuf, M. The Role & Relations of the Coptic Church during the Coptic Era |
2001-Death of Father Anṭūniyyūs Zakī Ghubriyyāl (Samallūṭ, Egypt) |
Ahmad Abd al-Mutī Hijāzī |
Al-Faramāwī group |
Bishop Biman (Muharraq monastery) |
Discussion about the Hijrī calendar |
Evangelical church in Minya, Faith Church (2001) |
Murjān, Muhammad Majdī, Hal Allāh Wāhid am Thalūth? |
Nivīn Marqus, Alexandria (Rep 2005) |
Poor Muslim women dating wealthy men to support their families |
Sayyid Wafā |
Zibāwī, M. The Copts |
2000-Fāyza and the Custody of Her Two Children (Banī Suwayf, Egypt) |
Dr. Muhammad Yahyā |
Encyclopedia of the History of Christianity in the East |
Islam and tourism |
Muslim-Christian relations |
Nivīn Khalīl Salīb (February 2005) |
Pflanders, K.G, Mīzān al-Haqq |
Shubrah al-Khaima, Cairo (2001) |
Tāhā Husayn (The Jahili Poetry 1926) |
2001-ʿĀdil Kārrās (Egyptian Copt killed in L.A.) |
Discussions about people who claim to be able to see the future |
Fārūq Husnī (Culture Minister) |
Naming businesses after the 99 names of God |
Sādiq, Maurice, Copts and Rulers |
The Dispensation of the Institution of the Church & the Discipline of... |
Two girls in Fayyūm city (2005) |
Ubur, Greater Cairo (December 2001) |
2001-Attack Against a Catholic Church in Pakistan |
Discussions about dīyah in Islam |
Dr. Muhammad Imārah, (co-author: Islam and the 15th hijrī century) |
Non-Muslim mothers getting custody of their Muslim children |
Rushdī, S. Life Journey, Egypt's treasures between Nāsir & Sādāt |
St. John the Babtist at Awlad Isa, Sadafah, Assiut (Restoration stopped 2001) |
Yasmīn (15 year old Muslim girl) Sawāmah Sohag (2005) |
2001-Knife Attack on Father Ḥazqiyyāl Ghubriyyāl (Balyanā, Suhāj) |
Anselm, Turmeda, Tuhfa al-Arīb fī al-Radd alá Ahl al-Salīb |
Bani Walmis, Magharah, Upper Egypt (2002) |
Ibrāhīm ʿĪsā (al-Urah/The Naked) |
Nasr Hāmid Abū Zayd (The concept of the text) |
Normalization with Israel |
Retired male actors turning to Islam |
Sihām 18 year old Christian girl from Ayn Hilwān (January 2005) |
The Spiritual Authority in the Church & the Ecclesiastic Juridical Tradition... |
2002-Accidental Death of Church Night Watchman (Minyā, Egypt) |
Arabic language and Islam |
Jibrān Khlīl Jibrān (al-Nabi/The prophet) |
Nivīn Māhir (19 years) (2005) |
Playing football |
The Coptic Church: Its History, Traditions, Theology and Structure |
Van Nispen, Christian, Christians and Muslims are Brothers before God |