AWR Index

Nakhlah Rafā'īl, Y. The History of the Coptic Nation
Restoration of church in al-Max, Alexandria (2000)
Violence and militant attacks in Yemen
ʿImārah, M. Scientific notes on the book of Christ in Islam
1999-Bus Accident During Christian Pilgrimage (Banī Suwayf, Egypt)
2005-Hiba Samīr Wahbah
Arrest of groups violating Sharīah
Bishop Kyrillos (Naj Hammadī)
Discussion about celebrating the Western New Year
Dr. Muhammad 'Imarah, The Sedition of Takfir
Marriage to Israeli women (harām)
The Returnees from Albania
Vivian, T. Words to live by: Journeys in Ancient and Modern Egyptian Monasticism
ʿAbd al-Hamīd Kishk
2000-Sudanese-Egyptian clashes in ʿAbbāsīyya (Cairo, Egypt)
2005-Injī Hilmī George Labīb
Alā' Hāmid (a room in a man's mind)
Bishop Apollo (Tur Sinai)
Jād Allāh, Talat, Qadayā sha'kah wa-ru'á mustaqbalīyah
Martyrdom attacks or operations
Modern Islamic songs and using Qurʻānic verses in songs
Mustafā Mahmūd
New Church in Muqattam, Cairo (2001)
Takfīr wa-al-Hijrah [Jamaʿat al-Muslimin]
Watson, J. Among the Copts
2000-Land Dispute Resulting in the Death of a Muslim
Alā' Hāmid (A tract in a man's mind)
Bishop Aghathun (Brazil)
Discussion about the role of Islamic Institutions
Hasan Hanafī (co-author: Islam and the 15th hijrī century)
Jamāl Qutb
Labīb, H, Religious protection crisis: Religion & the State in Egypt
Martyrdom: what makes a person a martyr
New church in Bulaq Abu al-llah (2001)
Samya Zarīf Samān (February 2005)
Talāʿ al-Fath al-Islāmī
Wiens, C. Y. Coptic Life in Egypt
2001-Demise of the Holy Tree in Jabal al-Ṭayr
2005-Injī ʿĀdil Wāsīlī
Bishop Yūsuf (Bolivia)
Discussion about al-Shafāah
Dr. Tāriq Ramadān
Haydar Haydar (Banquet of the seaweed)
Miss Egypt elections
Murjān, Muhammad Majdī, Al-Masīh: Insān am Ilāh?
New church in Tur, South of Sinai (2001)
Nugūm min Nār
Yūsuf, M. The Role & Relations of the Coptic Church during the Coptic Era
2001-Death of Father Anṭūniyyūs Zakī Ghubriyyāl (Samallūṭ, Egypt)
Ahmad Abd al-Mutī Hijāzī
Al-Faramāwī group
Bishop Biman (Muharraq monastery)
Discussion about the Hijrī calendar
Evangelical church in Minya, Faith Church (2001)
Murjān, Muhammad Majdī, Hal Allāh Wāhid am Thalūth?
Nivīn Marqus, Alexandria (Rep 2005)
Poor Muslim women dating wealthy men to support their families
Sayyid Wafā
Zibāwī, M. The Copts
2000-Fāyza and the Custody of Her Two Children (Banī Suwayf, Egypt)
Dr. Muhammad Yahyā
Encyclopedia of the History of Christianity in the East
Islam and tourism
Muslim-Christian relations
Nivīn Khalīl Salīb (February 2005)
Pflanders, K.G, Mīzān al-Haqq
Shubrah al-Khaima, Cairo (2001)
Tāhā Husayn (The Jahili Poetry 1926)
2001-ʿĀdil Kārrās (Egyptian Copt killed in L.A.)
Discussions about people who claim to be able to see the future
Fārūq Husnī (Culture Minister)
Naming businesses after the 99 names of God
Sādiq, Maurice, Copts and Rulers
The Dispensation of the Institution of the Church & the Discipline of...
Two girls in Fayyūm city (2005)
Ubur, Greater Cairo (December 2001)
2001-Attack Against a Catholic Church in Pakistan
Discussions about dīyah in Islam
Dr. Muhammad Imārah, (co-author: Islam and the 15th hijrī century)
Non-Muslim mothers getting custody of their Muslim children
Rushdī, S. Life Journey, Egypt's treasures between Nāsir & Sādāt
St. John the Babtist at Awlad Isa, Sadafah, Assiut (Restoration stopped 2001)
Yasmīn (15 year old Muslim girl) Sawāmah Sohag (2005)
2001-Knife Attack on Father Ḥazqiyyāl Ghubriyyāl (Balyanā, Suhāj)
Anselm, Turmeda, Tuhfa al-Arīb fī al-Radd alá Ahl al-Salīb
Bani Walmis, Magharah, Upper Egypt (2002)
Ibrāhīm ʿĪsā (al-Urah/The Naked)
Nasr Hāmid Abū Zayd (The concept of the text)
Normalization with Israel
Retired male actors turning to Islam
Sihām 18 year old Christian girl from Ayn Hilwān (January 2005)
The Spiritual Authority in the Church & the Ecclesiastic Juridical Tradition...
2002-Accidental Death of Church Night Watchman (Minyā, Egypt)
Arabic language and Islam
Jibrān Khlīl Jibrān (al-Nabi/The prophet)
Nivīn Māhir (19 years) (2005)
Playing football
The Coptic Church: Its History, Traditions, Theology and Structure
Van Nispen, Christian, Christians and Muslims are Brothers before God
