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Titlesort descending Author Last update
Tradition, family up for grabs in Egypt A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 22:41
Tragic fire in Imbaba church and government response Sara Abdel-Hamid Thu, 2022-08-18 13:22
Train Wreckage in Minūfiya; an illustration of poor maintenance in Egypt A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 21:14
Training African Refugee Leaders in Cairo Sara Abdel-Hamid Tue, 2020-03-17 15:41
Training Handbook for Community Leaders and Individuals in Cairo’s Refugee Community Shady Thu, 2022-09-08 19:48
Tranquility in al-Rahmāniyyah in Maghāghah and State Security Moves against Provocateurs A.Rizkallah (not verified) Tue, 2022-11-15 17:44
Transcript Interview Aḥmad Najīb; Founder Council of Trustees of the Revolution in Egypt, Member Egyptian Current Party A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview Alī Khafājī, Secretary General of the Youth Division of the Freedom and Justice Party Freedom and Justice Party Headquarter Giza Abdullah Thu, 2019-10-10 11:30
Transcript Interview Dr. Kamāl al-Hilbāwī, former member of the Muslim Brotherhood Guidance Council and MB foreign representative who was in exile for more than 20 years in England. Member of the Constitutional Assembly 2013. (I) A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview Dr. Kamāl al-Hilbāwī, former member of the Muslim Brotherhood Guidance Council and MB foreign representative who was in exile for more than 20 years in England. Member of the Constitutional Assembly 2013. (II) A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview Dr. Wafāʾ Hafnī, Dr. Sanā’ and Dr. Ishtihād; Granddaughter and daughters of Ḥasan al-Bannā A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview Ibrāhīm al-Huḍaibī; Former Member Muslim Brotherhood, Researcher on Sharīʿa A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview Prof. ʿAmrū Ḥamzāwī on Islamism A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview Walīd al-Ḥadād; Spokesperson Freedom and Justice Party A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with an anonymous former leading member of the Waṭan Party A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Bassām al-Zarqā, leading member of the Nūr Party, advisor to President Mursī A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Dr. Muḥammad Ṣalāḥ, Huda TV, opposes the usage of the term Islamists A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Dr. ʿAbd al-Munʿim Abū al-Futūḥ A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Hānī Fawzī, member of the Aṣāla Party leadership and responsible for media A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Ihāb Shīhā, Aṣāla Party leader A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Independent Islamist Scholar Dr. Nadia Muṣṭafā A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Islamist preacher Ṣafwat Ḥijāzī after President Mursī’s disposal A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Jerome Drevon, French PhD researcher studying Islamist armed groups in Egypt A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Khālid Manṣūr, vice-president of al-Iṣlāḥ Party A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Maḥmūd Fatḥī, al-Faḍīla party leader A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Maḥmūd Fatḥī, al-Faḍīla party leader II A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Muḥammad ʿAbd Allah (32), one of the founders of the FJP, working within their General Assembly. Member of the Muslim Brotherhood for 15 years. A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Nādir Bakkār, Spokesman of the Nūr-Party A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview with Prof. ʿImād Shāhīn about Islamists in Egypt A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transcript Interview ʿIṣṣām al-Sharīf: Al-Aṣāla Party Secretary for Warrāq, Cairo A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:55
Transfer of Sentenced Prisoners; An overview of Egypt’s position Sara Abdel-Hamid Thu, 2019-06-27 10:48
Transliteration system webmaster Tue, 2010-09-14 12:24
Transmissions of hope through Cairo’s satellite dishes A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 22:41
Travel advisory on Sīwah A.Rizkallah (not verified) Mon, 2022-11-14 20:51
Trial of 325 Muslim Brotherhood supporters adjourned in Minya Mohammed Radwan Thu, 2019-03-07 12:52
Trial of Mursī and 10 others in case involving spying for Qatar resumes today adel-cc Thu, 2019-03-07 12:48
