Date of source:
Interviewers: Eline Kasanwidjojo, Quinta Smit
Language of interview: English (original interview), English (presented transcript)
Transcript: Quinta Smit
Approval: Requested and no objection received
Khālid Manṣūr talks about the reasons for establishing al-Iṣlāḥ Party and its relation to...
Date of source:
Interviewers: Cornelis Hulsman, Eline Kasanwidjojo, Quinta Smit
Language of interview: English (original interview), English (presented transcript)
Transcript: Quinta Smit
Approval: Approved by interviewee
The interview with Jerome Drevon, a French PhD student, focuses on the Islamic...
Date of source:
Muḥammad Maʾmūn al-Huḍaybī (28.5.1921 – 8.1.2004) was the official spokesman and secretary of the General Guide of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB). He was also shortly the Sixth General Guide of the MB from 2002 up to his death in 2004. Al-Huḍaybī speaks of the 1995 parliamentary elections...
Date of source:
Interviewer: Quinta Smit
Language of interview: Arabic (original interview), English (presented transcript)
Interpreter: Muḥammad Saʿīd
Transcript: Quinta Smit
Approval: Approved by interviewee
Bassām al-Zarqā, a leading member of the Nūr Party and advisor to president Muḥammad Mursī...
Date of source:
This interview concerns the court case of four members of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) who had been arrested right before the upcoming parliamentary elections in November 1995. Aḥmad al-Khawāja, Head of the Lawyer’s Syndicate, not an Islamist himself but the lawyer representing the MB...
Date of source:
Interviewer: Nick Gjorvad (with questions by Eline Kasanwidjojo and Quinta Smit)
Language of interview: Arabic (original interview), English (presented transcript)
Interpreter: unknown
Transcript: unknown
Approval: Requested and no objection received
The interview took place during the Rabiʿa al-...
Date of source:
Maḥjūb al-Tijānī is the president of the Sudan Human Rights Organisation in the branch of Cairo and Ḥamūd Fātḥā al-Raḥman, the secretary general of the same organization, discuss the atrocities of the al-Turābī/al-Bashīr regime, and the means by which the Sudanese people are dealing...
Date of source:
The state visit of the Queen and Prince of November 17-19 1997 to Egypt continues. During this state visit, terrorists killed around 60 tourists in Luxor. Dutch tourists David van der Meulen and Saskia van der Mast were lucky enough not to be on the site of the massacre, as their bus...
Date of source:
On November 17-19, 1997, Queens Beatrix of the Netherlands and her husband Prince Clause, paid a state visit to Egypt. She was accompanied by Hans van Mierlo, minister of Foreign Affairs. One hour before they arrived, around 60 people were killed in a terrorist attack in Luxor. Despite...
Date of source:
Interviewers: Eline Kasanwidjojo, Quinta Smit
Language of interview: Arabic (original interview), English (presented transcript)
Interpreter: Hamdī ( last name unknown, friend of Mahmūd Fathī)
Transcript: not mentioned
Approval: Requested and no objection received
This is the second transcript of...