Displaying 71 - 80 of 202.
Contents I. Jansen’s argument: Copts are killed when they violate the Shari’a  II. My comment: Jansen should have mentioned the general lack of security in Egypt  III. Jansen does not know about the construction of new churches in recent years  IV. Does the Shari’a prohibit the building of churches...
Dr. Jamāl Hāshim researches medicine. His work includes visiting bishoprics, asking about how they receive funds, and from whom. He also asks how they receive medicine and from whom. The census starting in 2006 no longer includes statistics about religious denominations.  
Cairo was ranked first among the governorates of Egypt according to levels of violence against women during the month of July, which reported the highest rate of violence with 10 incidents, followed by the provinces Qalyubiya, Giza and Alexandria. 
MEMRI made excerpts of an interview with Egyptian screenwriter Wahid Hamed, which aired on Al-Hayat TV on June 5, 2011. Wahid Hamed is certainly right that “Differences of opinion between people or politicians should never be construed as opposition to the religion. Religion is sacred to all. […]”...
 The governorate of Kaliobia praises the national unity breakfast tables and confirms the good relations between Muslims and Christians in Egypt.
On Wednesday, March 30, 2011, a group of salafists destroyed five shrines in Qalyūb, arguing that visits to shrines was an act of apostasy and against Islam. Two of the attackers have now been arrested by security forces.
Mamdūḥ Ismā'īl, Islamic attorney, launched a campaign to collect signatures that support the discharge of Yaḥyā al-Jamāl, Deputy Prime Minister, accusing him of blasphemy. Ismāʿīl collected one hundred thousand signatures from the governorates of Cairo, Giza, al-Qalyūbiyya, and Alexandria. (...
The portrait of Husnī Mubarāk has been removed from most State institutions after three employes replaced it in the Cabinet headquarters three weeks ago with the word 'Āllāh' in a frame. This was followed by other governmental agencies. An official in Qalyubia Governorate, north of Cairo, said...
 With the resignation of Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak today, pro-democracy protestors, Muslims and Christians, are celebrating in the streets of Cairo and other cities around the country. Power was handed over to the Egyptian military.   According to Open Doors, a Christian organization founded...


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