Displaying 1 - 10 of 93.
Following a three-day meeting, a group of bishops and metropolitans who had split from the main Ethiopian Orthodox Church established an ethnic and regional synod known as the “Tigray Orthodox Tewahedo Church Synod” based on a recently published canon law.
Anbā Kyrillos was born Sīdārūs Marqus Jirjis in al-Naghāmīsh village of al-Balyanā town in the Sūhāj province of southern Egypt, but his year of birth is not accurately known. He was brought up by his father to be a devout Christian, and memorized the church hymns and psalms from a young age, and...
Following a three-day meeting, a group of bishops and archbishops who had split from the Ethiopian Orthodox Church formed the “Tigray Orthodox Tewahedo Church Synod,” an ethnic and regional synod, based on a recently produced “Church canon.”
Intercultural and interreligious dialogue brought Cornelis Hulsman from a conservative Christian Reformed bubble in the Netherlands to a deeply ecumenical attitude, refraining from absolutist statements about faith since any religion is the outcome of a human search for meaning in life.
The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church (EOTC) has officially accused the government of Ethiopian Prime Minister, Abiy Aḥmed, of involvement in supporting a group of priests who defected from the church. The EOTC has urged the government in a statement to “offer an official apology for its collusion...
Q: Do you know any case of a Sudanese refugee student going to a private primary or public secondary school in Egypt? A: Yes, I know many of them. They are mostly South Sudanese. When they arrive here many apply to attend private Egyptian schools. I have a little girl in my house going to a private...
SENA MEGERSA   Under United States law, a refugee is someone who is located outside of the United States, demonstrates that they were persecuted, or fear persecution due to race, religion, nationality, political opinion, or membership in a particular social group. A lot of refugees are people under...
Q: How do you feel about the Sudanese curriculum and the exams? Edna: If you are from Sudan or South Sudan and you do the Sudanese exams, you can enter an Egyptian university, but if you are from another country, you cannot. They won’t allow you to enter with the Sudanese certificate. If you are...
Senae, was born in 2007 in Ethiopia in Addis Ababa, he is a single child and a vegetarian since he is 10 years old. He is Coptic Orthodox and lives in Maadi with his mum and dad. The Principal of the CAWU Learning center, Peter Mathias, told me that he is extremely smart, and I could confirm...
On Saturday the Coptic Orthodox Church commemorated the death of Pope Cosmas III, their 58th Patriarch, who passed away on 3 Paremhat [Baramhāt], 932 CE.


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