Displaying 361 - 370 of 517.
Since the emergence of Islam, the intellectual dialogue between Christian and Muslim thinkers hasn’t ceased. The dialogue took form through the efforts of Orientalist Christian thinkers who lived in the East at the time of the Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates. One of the difficulties that faces...
The balance between Egypt’s Coptic minority and its Muslim majority is an ancient and sensitive one. According to Bishop Boutros, who is responsible for the Coptic Orthodox Church’s publications, "spirits are full of hatred. Muslims and Christians are not good to each other - and it’s hard to...
What is the story of the Arab Institution for Ideological Modernization which initiated its activity recently in Beirut with a conference attended by up to 130 Arab intellectuals? What is the reason for appointing the controversial Nasr Hamid Abu Zeid chairman of the Institution? Is there any...
Maxime Rodinson died last week at the age of 89. Perhaps this is the opportunity to defend the French Orientalist from Arab accusations and the subsequent marginalization of his role and works. While Cairo protested his book about the Prophet Muhammad thirty years ago, the Beirut publishing house...
It became apparent to me that in four Arab countries, namely Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and Lebanon, Islamists are a minority. This does not mean that they are not a majority in newspaper columns or on television screens, especially on satellite channels. But the fact that they are a majority in...
The Tunisian writer Al-Taher Labib is the manager of the Arab Institution for Translation that has been working actively in Beirut since three years. “It is not an exaggeration if I said that only ten percent of the books translated from Arabic can be accredited. Most of the translations cannot be...
In his book “Islam is a Partner,” the German Arabist Fritz Shetebat [we could not find his name on the internet] responds to misconceptions about Islam that are currently being propagated in the West. An Arabic translation of the book was made by Dr. Abdel Gaffar Mekawy and released as part of the...
Since President Mubarak announced a constitutional amendment allowing for a multi – candidate presidential election, I have been pondering the importance of nominating a well- qualified Copt to compete in the upcoming presidential elections. Many Copts are in favor of the idea, not only because it...
Investigations are underway by the censorship authorities concerning the copies of Dr. Nawal Al-Sa’adawi’s “Fall of the Imam” that were leaked to the Egyptian market, although the authorities had confiscated copies of the novel on December 13, 2000. The confiscation of the novel has caused...
The article is about a draft law proposed by Anthony Weiner, member of the US House of Representatives, in January 2004. The draft law bans the U.S. from giving military aid to Egypt. The article gives information about the laws approved by the US senate targeting Syria and Saudi Arabia.


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