Displaying 931 - 940 of 1022.
The writer believes that the demonstrations by thousands of Coptic youths in the Patriarchate, protesting about what Al-Nabaa published, should not be considered only in the light of Al-Nabaa disaster. He compared between the problem the "Banquet for Seaweed" caused and that caused by the story of...
Pope Shenouda’s way of facing the crisis of Al-Nabaa has shown the spirituality of the Coptic church. Facing this storm was fast, wise, calm and objective. The logic in facing the storm has been witnessed by everyone and it has helped all the organizations and communities that made haste to reject...
The picture of linking the face of Egyptians to the Sunna, the head to the Shi’a, the heart to the Copts, and the bones to the Pharaohs, is said to be a tool to divide the nation. It focuses attention on differences and not similarities. Pope Shenouda III believes that Copts will be happier and...
The leaders of eastern churches are to meet at the Middle East Council of Churches in Cairo to join in the Coptic Church’s celebrations of 30 years of Pope Shenouda III being in the chair of Saint Mark.
Max Michael is an Egyptian Orthodox Christian who founded a religious association offering religious and family care services. Despite the work he is doing, people from the church classify him as an outlaw who left the church. Michael claims he is an Orthodox and that he has all respect for Pope...
The Syrian president welcomed Pope Shenouda, the Patriarch of Antioch, the president of the Evangelical Council, the Archbishop of Baalbak and the General Secretary of the Middle East Council of Churches. He praised the patriotic stance of Pope Shenouda.
The Orthodox Church does not recognize the Jehovah’s Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Plymouth Brethren and Evangelists. It considers them as sects that have deviated from church references that are based on the Holy Bible, ecumenical councils, fathers’ sayings and church laws. Representatives of...
The information in this text is based on interviews Ms. Gavlak and Cornelis Hulsman made together with governor Adli Hussein and Bishop Marcos in March 2001 and the documents they provided. The article gives a background of the problems until around April 1.
U.S. Copts Association reported three months ago that a church was destroyed in the bishopric of H.G. Bishop Marcos. The destruction was followed by a presidential order to rebuild the church immediately. Yet, three months later, a press release of the U.S. Copts Association states, the governor of...
Both Christians and Muslims ought to be proud of the Coptic history of Egypt and of the unique role of the Coptic Church on both national and spiritual levels. The reason for such pride is that it represents a link in the chain of Egyptian history. The author expressed the opinion that nations do...


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