Displaying 911 - 920 of 1022.
What authority does the Central Auditing Agency (CAA) have over the various ecclesiastical institutions? It is known that the Azhar as well as its faculties and institutes are placed under the supervision of the CAA. All professional syndicates, chambers of commerce and industry are also considered...
Many articles in this issue are about the alleged conversion of the wife of a priest in Abū al-Matāmīr. Reference to interviews with H.H. Pope Shenouda in al-Wafd and Bishop Bissenti in Al-Ahram al-Arabi.
Despite the fact that feasts of Copts in Egypt are not associated with new moon as the feasts of Muslims, there was some confusion this year about Coptic Christmas which is celebrated on the 7th of January. Sources from the office of Pope Shenouda asserted that Christmas eve is January 6 while...
Remark on articles in this issue about the incident around the Patmos Convent.
Throughout the history of the Orthodox Church patriarchs have been using the right to defrock priests and punish bishops and monks in order to protect the Church teachings or to stop heretics. In the very modern history of the Church, many persons have been subjected to these punishments. Several...
The Coptic issue is one of the most important in the Egyptian question’s political file. Copts’ political, religious and cultural demands have been a pressing issue of tension. The inter-Coptic discourse, some of which can be spotted in the writings of some Coptic Orthodox, Protestant and Catholic...
The increase in the number of the Coptic wives filing lawsuits before the court to get permission to remarry has led to annulling the ecclesiastical regulation that states that the wife whose husband is missing has to wait for 30 years for her husband before she is able to remarry. The article...
Comment on the Copts Daily Digest’s reporting about difficulties around church building in Al-Ubur City
Report about a visit to the location of the church-to-be in Al-Ubur City. A practically empty spot of land in a desert which is designated for building was found. The location had not been ’stormed’ by police and no people had been arrested as the US Copts Association had claimed. Photographs of...
News often gets reported without checking the facts. This is what WorldNetDaily.com did when it reported about the press release of the US Copts Association. Press releases such as this one create confusion and make Copts in the US grow apart from Copts in Egypt. Some activists in the US believe...


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