Displaying 881 - 890 of 1022.
Agence France -Pressse opened with the police preventing unrest in Taha al-‘Ameda after the priest and two members of the church had been killed “when the car in which they were being driven away for questioning crashed.” AFP also reports that “the police officer who was driving the car jumped out...
A priest and two members of the church board of Taha al-‘Ameda died after an accident with a speeding car driven by a police officer in the early hours of Sunday May 2. Problems started after six meters of a poorly built fence the old Mar Mina church in Taha al-‘Ameda collapsed because of a strong...
Archpriest Marcos Emil Mikhael, Secretary of the Bishopric of Samalut, responds to in the article in Al-Musawwar, May 14, 2004, about the incident of Taha Al-‘Ameda.
Bishop Paphnotius responded to questions of readers of AWR. The interview gives an update about the developments following the tragic death of the priest and two Christians of Taha al-‘Ameda after our report of May 6 [AWR 2004, week 19, art. 30]
Readers might remember the story of the church of the new town of Rihab, to which I referred a few weeks ago. On 26 April, the representatives of the Coptic Orthodox Church received the 3000 square meter plot of land allotted to the church in Rihab. The New Urban Communities Authority had...
The problems around Taha al-’Ameda were discussed in length in the program “In Depth” on channel 1, immediately after the evening news on Monday May 31. The program provides well-documented subjects, is well viewed and respected. “In Depth” gave with approximately 45 minutes a substantial amount of...
Because the film “Baheb Al-Sima” [I Love Cinema] is about a Coptic family, the authorities wanted to have the Coptic Church’s opinion on the film. This is very strange and dangerous. It is unusual to submit artistic creativity to the authority of the church. The Egyptian church has never practiced...
The book al-Mowarana il Awlama: al-A qbat fi Alam Motaghayer (Citizenship and Globalisation: Copts in a Changing World) by Hany Labib, published by Dar al-Shorouq in 2004 in Arabic, tackles the relationship between Copts and their homeland, in the era of globalisation. Within the context of present...
Habeel has formed a new church called the Church of the Virgin, the Mother of the Light, and the Habeel the Pious. Anyone who knows him would know that he seeks fame. He also wants to form a Christian political party and has submitted a request to the Committee of Political Party Affairs. The...
Some people believe that the issue of the loyalty and national affiliation of non-Orthodox Christians in Egypt, Catholics and Protestants, is questionable, especially with the different attitudes of these denominations towards political action. We emphasize that all [Egyptian] Christina, the...


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