Displaying 891 - 900 of 1022.
The Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates the Golden Jubilee, fiftieth anniversary, of the consecration of Pope Shenouda III as a monk on the 17th of July. Pope Shenouda was consecrated a monk on the 17th July 1954. The celebration of this event will be held on the 17th of July in the Monastery of St...
When Habeel Saeed Tawfiq declared himself patriarch of Orthodox Copts and established a new Christian denomination and new papal chair after the name of St. Paul the Apostle, he provided media with cheap publishing material. The last lawsuit against Habeel is filed by Attia Farid who was hired by...
Last Friday night, the US Commission on International Religious Freedom arrived in Cairo in a secretive atmosphere. The Commission delivered a brief statement concerning the objectives of the visit, which takes place between July 16 and July 23. The Commission is paving the way for the...
The Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates the Epiphany on January 20. The writer gives a brief historical and religious background on the different ways of celebrating the feast.
The article discusses the issue of national unity between Christians and Muslims in Egypt. The author cites the relation of love and intimate friendship between Pope Shenouda and the Grand Imam of the Azhar, Dr. Tantawi. Bibawi tells a story about Amr Bin Al-As who returned the head of the St. Mark...
The author explains that Islam in Egypt is highly esteemed by both the followers of Muhammad and the followers of other religions all around the world. This estimation is due to the fact that Islam in Egypt is characterized by purity and tolerance within different Islamic schools. Al-Azhar...
The article investigates the problems that flare up occasionally over the land the Coptic Church owns along the Cairo-Suez road [Patmos Land]. Al- Arabi interviewed Pope Shenouda. Many Christian men of religion witnessed the interview, which took place in the Papal residence. The author explains...
The article is a criticism of Coptic activists in the US, particularly Michael Mounir, the head of the US Copts Association. The author explains that Mounir always takes advantage of some incidents that take place in Egypt, which most times are false, in order to call on the U.S. to interfere in...
Last week, the TV channel Sat 7, a Christian missionary satellite channel, received tens of angry messages from Muslim viewers concerning the missionary channel’s program, “Questions in Faith,” that is directed at Muslims. The program discusses sensitive issues in Islamic fiqh [jurisprudence]...
There are some Christian Arabic-language satellite channels that target Arabs and Muslims. These channels play a serious role in what is falsely labeled “missionary” work. What actually happens falls into the realm of a clash between religions and igniting the fire [between Christianity and...


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