Displaying 901 - 910 of 1022.
Sat-7, a satellite channel targeting Christian viewers made a clarification saying that it does not air the program “Questions in Faith,” which outlines the difference in faith between Christianity and Islam. The program is actually aired on Hayat TV. The following day Pope Shenouda appeared on...
In 1989, the Coptic Museum in Cairo began a project to restore icons in cooperation with the Dutch Susanna Skalova. The Coptic Orthodox Church and the Supreme Council of Antiquities have also begun a big project, funded by an American research center, to count and study more than 2000 icons.
This report explains the escalations following the alleged conversion of a priest’s wife to Islam. Much background is given to the cultural context that explain why such an issue is so sensitive in Egypt. The report also shows that several of the organizers of the demonstration in Cairo have done...
French journalist De Coursac made sensational claims and wild conspiracy theories in al-Usbū‘ and Sawt al-Umma without making any effort to verify the information. AWR is helping in producing a film on the Holy Family tradition in Egypt.
Several journalists consulted AWR for information about issues such as alleged conversions.
The Coptic Orthodox Church defrocked Father Yu’annis Zakī Sidrāk after a number of Copts lodged complaints that he had collected money from them for personal business.
Before I talk about the advising sessions held for those who wish to convert to Islam, I would like to tell a story that may help explain the importance of such sessions to the Coptic Orthodox Church.
Why should not Egypt, thanks to its current dialogue with Israel, demand the return of the Al-Sultan Monastery to the Coptic Orthodox Church? Israeli occupation forces seized it on April 25, 1970, and then handed it over to the Abyssinians.
Copt lodges complaint against Pope Shenouda The personal status prosecution is considering a complaint lodged by a Christian woman against the Coptic Orthodox Church and its Representative Pope Shenouda III, the Patriarch of the See of Saint Mark, over a canon law pertaining to marriage. This law...
Satellite stations have televised demonstrators gathering in front of the Mār Girgis Church in al-Fayyoum. They demanded the handover of the Medicine Faculty graduates, Maryān Makram Girgis and Teresa ‘Ayyād Ibrāhīm, back to the Coptic Orthodox Church. These demonstrations had been spurred by...


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