Displaying 871 - 880 of 1022.
The Middle East is in the centre of attention of the Swiss but good background information is lacking. This made Rev. Hedda Klip, who has lived for several years in Cairo, start a series of lectures for which she uses Arab-West Report as background information. She calls the information of Arab-...
The Christian cassette market first emerged in the 1970s inside churches and monasteries but since the early 1990s religious songs and hymns on cassette tapes have found their way out of churches and monasteries thanks to producers and businessmen.
Bishop Musa, the bishop of youth, confirmed that there is no space in Christianity to bestow innocence upon the Jews. The Jews confessed to the killing of Christ when they said “May his blood be on us, and on our children” in the Bible. [“And All the people answered, “May his blood be on us, and...
Following its policy of stirring up sectarian and ethnic differences, the Ibn Khaldoun Center, which is headed by Saad Eddin Ibrahim, held a symposium last week in which Naguib Gebril and Kamal Boulis spoke. Titled “Egyptianizing Egypt,” Gebril severely attacked Egypt’s relationship to Arabism and...
The Coptic Church announced its new initiative to support dialogue among the three Christian denominations: Orthodox, Catholic and Protestant. Pope Shenouda held a special celebration for one of the biggest Protestant institutions working in Egypt, Dar Al-Kitab Al-Moqaddas [Bible Society]. This...
An interview with his holiness Pope Shenouda III covering the reality of the clash of civilizations, the different dates for celebrating Christmas and Easter, rumors of sectarian strife and extremism in religion and other subjects.
Dr. Cornelis Hulsman, the expert on the Holy Family tradition in Egypt, arranged access for myself and my friend to the St. Macarius Monastery the only one of four monasteries still active since the time of the Desert Fathers in Wadi Natrun, that is closed to the public. What’s more, the visit...
In the satellite channel Al-Hayah [Life], a man wearing the uniform of a priest and a woman in her 50s talk continuously about Islam and Christianity. They preach Christianity, but, unfortunately they attack Islam and talk in a sarcastic way about the Prophet and his companions, and the Qur’an....
In Al-Rehab City [a satellite city northeast of Cairo on Cairo-Suez road], the building of a church was canceled. So Christians living in this city have to attend a church in Cairo, which is very exhausting. There are six mosques inside Al-Rehab City. Both Muslims and Christians contributed to...
Some astray American [religious] denominations are making use of the confused atmosphere created by America in the region. Those denominations are trying to spread their strange ideas and beliefs in Egypt and the Arab world. Now a days the American Mormons are trying to spread their movement in...


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