Displaying 201 - 210 of 210.
Public manifestations of Christian faith become less in Egyptian society. The celebration of palm Sunday in the Upper Egyptian village of Sarakna, 315 km south of Cairo, is one of the last villages where this is possible. The article explains Muslims in villages want their villages have a Muslim...
Report of a short meeting between the RNSAW and the USCIRF which had been arranged through H.G. Bishop Marcos on Wednesday March 21. We explained our work and gave some examples of our reports.
Christian pilgrims on the route of the Holy Family were surprised last week to discover that the so-called worshipping tree in the Muslim village of Nezlet Abed near the pilgrimage site at Gebel el-Teir had been chopped into pieces by local farmers. Local Christians claim the tree was 2000 years...
Dr. Samir Marcos, associate secretary-general of the Middle East Council of Churches, describes the importance of late Metropolitan Athanasius for Egypt. He describes him foremost as a pioneer in development from a Christian perspective in Egypt.
Dr. Bayoumi says Dr. Abu Halabiya should have distinguished between Judaism and Christianity as a religion, which Islam does not oppose, and Jews attacking Muslims. Muslims, he says, should defend themselves against such attacks.
The RNSAW asked Ambassador Mohammed Zubeir, Palestinian Ambassador in Cairo, for a response on the radical sermon of Dr. Ahmed Abu Halabiya as published in the RNSAW, week 42A, art. 8. He rejects the statements made by Abu Halabiya and says he does not represent the Palestinian Authority or public.
The whole project looks absolutely fascinating, and extremely worthwhile, so I will certainly refer to it in my article on "Recent Developments in Christian-Muslim Relations in the Arab World."
A dialogue between Dr. Maurice Asad, who has known Dr. William Sulaymān Qilāda for probably more then 50 years, and Drs. Kees Hulsman, who also knew Dr. Qilāda personally.
Magdy Hussein, editor-in-chief of Al-Shaab, has now been sentenced to two years in prison for libel. The sentence is the result of the campaign of Al-Shaab of over a year against Youssef Wali, Minister of Agriculture. Hulsman met several times with Hussein and described his views on Islam.
A special report by Drs. Cornelis Hulsman on the attack on the Coptic Orthodox priest Father Stephanous of al-Maḥallā al-Kubrā, based on personal visits and interviews with the priest himself, close associates, the security authorities and others. Also included is an analysis of the early Egyptian...


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