Displaying 11 - 20 of 23.
 Attorneys Rā’id Yahyá Zuhdī and Tāmir Zuhdī had filed a lawsuit against the channel, calling to shut down the channel because it triggers fitnah. The lawsuit was against each of: the Minister of Information, Minister of Investment, Chairman of General Authority for Investment (GAFI), head of Media...
Ramsīs al-Najjār, Coptic Orthodox Church’s Legal Consultant, said that al-Milī (Lay) Council of the church will issue a new Personal Status regulations to resolve divorce issues. Meanwhile, Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II is heading a conference about personal status at Bishop Bishoy Monastery (...
Below is the full text of Pope Francis inauguration speech as it came on Catholic Voices Comment with the title “Text of Pope Francis Inauguration Mass homily”: [This is the text of the homily given by Pope Francis at the mass for the inauguration of his pontificate, 19 March 2013] Dear Brothers...
For the first time in the history of the Vatican, an Arab Cardinal, namely Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, the 77th Maronite Patriarch of Antioch, could be nominated for the position of Pope (Fādī Francis, al-Misrī al-Yawm, Feb. 26, p. 16). Read original text in Arabic.
For the first time in the history of the Vatican, an Arab Cardinal, namely Patriarch Mar Bechara Boutros al-Rahi, the 77th Maronite Patriarch of Antioch, could be nominated for the position of Pope (Fādī Francis, al-Misrī al-Yawm, Feb. 26, p. 16). Read original text in Arabic.
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II decided to form a committee to review the sanctions of exclusion that former Pope Shenouda imposed on some well-known figures of the Church for committing church violations. Every case will be reviewed and the Pope himself will make a decision whether to lift the...
Coptic Orthodox Pope Tawadros II decided to form a committee to review the sanctions of exclusion that former Pope Shenouda imposed on some well-known figures of the Church for committing church violations. Every case will be reviewed and the Pope himself will make a decision whether to lift the...
A judge has ordered the eviction of Shaykh Abū Islām, owner of the private television channel “al-Ummah” after being accused of defaming Christianity. Bail has been set at 20,000 Egyptian Pounds. The Public Prosecutor decided to confine the Shaykh after four days of investigation. Coptic activist...
Security services in Alexandria have arrested the perpetrator of a crime in which four Copts and a Muslim were killed. The crime occurred in the area of Naj’ al-Salām in the city of Burj al-‘Arab. The Muslim Tāhir Mūsá 'Abd al-Qādir, 22, was working as a guard for the victims. He decided to kill...
In an incident considered by the people of Alexandria as a trigger for new sectarian strife, four Copts and a Muslim guard were killed by gunfire in Burj al-‘Arab, west of Alexandria. The perpetrators are yet to be identified (Ahmad 'Abd al-Fattāh, al-Sabāh, Feb. 26, p. 1). Read original text in...


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