Displaying 251 - 260 of 273.
President Mubarak starts a "critical" visit to the United States next Saturday. The mutual relations between the two countries have priority in the agenda of the president. There are a number of reasons that have helped in raising the degree of tension in the Egyptian-American relations. On the top...
Following seven years of unremitting bloodshed and tens of thousands of lives lost, Algeria’s bloody civil struggle may finally be drawing to a close as the president and the main Islamist opposition group agree to a peace. Whether President Abdelaziz Bouteflika and the Islamic Salvation Front’s (...
The column mentions a number of titles that have been banned by the censor because they have been identified as works being "dangerous to the morals of the Egyptian public.
Al-Azhar pronounces ’urfi marriages - legal but often temporary unions - criminal.
The author argues against the findings of a religious panel formed to examine Jibran’s book "The Prophet" for any religious offence or transgression. The panel decided that there were not any religious offences or transgressions, yet they were opposed to the pictures drawn in the book by Jibran;...
On April 3, President Hosni Mubarak issued a decree that would clip the wings of rapists and make it impossible for them to escape prosecution. The decree repealing Article 291 was approved by the cabinet the next day.
Last week the Censorship Committee on material printed from outside Egypt banned the entry of the English version of the book "Al-Nabi" [The Prophet] written by Jibran Khalil Jibran. Authorities at the American University in Cairo told the French News Agency that it was the last in a series of 70...
Last May [1998], students in an American University in Cairo (AUC) course on Muslim politics complained about Maxime Rodinson’s biography "Muhammad". In less than 24 hours after a columnist decried its teaching as blasphemous, Ministry of Higher Education Minister Mufeed Shehab ordered the...
Letter from Ms. Laurence Moftah, Coordinator of Reference Services, American University in Cairo Library, pointing out a couple of errors in the RNSAW edition of February 11-18, 1999, and our reply.
Following the Rodinson case, the office of the censor vastly increased its review of AUC books, both in the library and in the bookstore. With some 300 books checked this year alone, AUC press head, Marc Linz, says it hasn’t been easy.


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