Displaying 261 - 270 of 273.
The December 17 summons of Professor Samia Mehrez by the American University in Cairo (AUC) administration to explain her choice of a book containing "obscene" passages has mushroomed into something far bigger than anyone originally involved expected. This issue follows the controversy over Maxine...
In December 1998 The American University in Cairo published a book in Cairo entitled, The Coptic Orthodox Liturgy of St. Basil with Complete Musical Transcription".
An announcement of a lecture of Pope Shenouda on church music in Egypt at the American University of Cairo which was not held.
The De La Salle School in Al-Dhahir, Cairo is celebrating its 100th anniversary this year by holding a number of seminars and intellectual fora aimed at confirming the role of education in instilling the principles of mutual respect and acceptance of others.
The book, written by a Muslim, says the government is overlooking problems of Copts in Egypt.
The human rights record of the American police force reveals the hypocrisy of the American system.
Since the revolution, the American university in Cairo has changed its policy. It is a Zionist organization and has used the word the state of Israel in its text books.
This article is a continuation of another one published last week about the missionary origin of the American university in Cairo.
Al-Sha’ab opens the file of another book in the AUC library that it considers to be against Islam.
Montasir continues his critique of the French teacher who assigned Rodinson’s book for students at AUC.


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