Displaying 1 - 10 of 32.
This paper begins by reviewing Egypt’s post-2011 transition prior to 2013, which includes briefs on the 2011-2012 parliamentary elections, the 2012 presidential elections, and unrest and sectarian violence during the period between Ḥusnī Mubārak’s overthrow and the summer of 2013.
American media shed light on al-Sīsī’s words to the Egyptian people during his visit to the cathedral last night for the 2020 Christmas Eve Mass. al-Sīsī thanked the Egyptian people for maintaining national unity and preventing sectarian wars.   
The Coptic Orthodox Patriarchy in Alexandria warned that leaflets attributed to a Coptic author have been spread in the streets of Alexandria including false information about the “Copts’ success” in ousting the Islamists from power. Also the leaflet says that Copts have filed a claim for autonomy...
Associated Press reported that the New York police are spying on mosques in cooperation with the CIA. ‘Ajīla Rahman, one of the most prominent activists in the “Nation of Islam” movement, told the Associated Press that a case like this should not be taken lightly, because if this concerned any...
  Western media outlets manipulated the incident at St. Peter and St. Paul’s Church to promote what is referred to as the “peacefulness” of the Muslim Brotherhood, and presented it as a facet of the political equation. [They also] issued accusations against Egyptian security agencies, alleging that...
Among statements disclosed to Associated Press (AP), the Egyptian author `Alā' al-Aswāni said “Freedom of expression is at its lowest point, worse than in the days of Husni Mubārak.” He added, that the authorities banned him last year from appearing on TV channels or getting published in Egyptian...
There was much surprise in the U.S. at Egyptian President Muhammad Mursī’s recent shake-up of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF) leadership. The Los Angeles Times suggests that this proves him ‘a better political tactician than many had believed’ [Rīm ‘Abd al-Latīf, Egypt president's...
AP reported today that “thousands of Egyptian Christians demonstrated in two Cairo locations Tuesday against perceived persecution by the country's Muslim majority. About 2,000 of them cut off a main road running on the eastern side of the city and pelted motorists with rocks.” This must have been...
Amin Makram Ebeid writes: Cornelis Hulsman kindly asked me to write a few lines on the tragic events that took place in Naj‘ Hammādī and how this could be best managed, punishing the responsible people and working towards reconciliation between Muslims and Christians in the region.  


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