Displaying 1 - 10 of 15.
The archeologist, Dr. ʿAbd al-Raḥīm Rayḥān, General Director of Research, Archeology and Scientific Publications for South Sinai at the Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities has announced a permanent museum exhibition within Saint Catherine’s Monastery. Since its establishment in 2001, the museum has...
Having a PhD degree is not a guarantee for good academic work. Dr. Mahmoud Omar [Maḥmūd ʿUmar] may have been a good archeologist, but he ruined his own academic reputation by interpreting medieval traditions as historical facts, as descriptions that have actually happened.
The Coptic Orthodox Church celebrates the coming of St. Severus [Sāwīris] the Great, the Patriarch of Antioch, to Egypt.  St. Severus the Great came to Egypt in the fifth century AD to strengthen the believers and their churches during a difficult period of persecution by the Emperor Constantine...
The Faculty of Comparative Religion at the University of Manouba, Tunis, Tunisia, invited Cornelis Hulsman to present his work in Egypt to students on the 9th of February, 2018. Hulsman’s lecture covered the following subjects: - Introduction of Dutch sociologist Cornelis Hulsman, Drs., director of...
The Holy Family came to Egypt, says the Biblical text. But it is silent on what they did once there. Coptic Orthodox tradition has filled in the details. And now, as Arab West Report discovered on a visit led by Cornelis Hulsman on January 16, 2016, they have one detail more.
A summary of Prof. Harald Suermann’s lecture on Christian documents from the 7th century that document Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt just following the arrival of Islam in Egypt.
Watani publishes a monthly series depicting the true history of Egypt. The influence of the Romans, Greeks and Persians is explored, combined with the impact that religion had on Egyptian society.
Explaining the broad meaning of the concept of jihād in Islām, Muslim thinker Rajab al-Bannā quoted famous British writer Karen Armstrong’s definition of it as "struggle and effort, not a synonym for holy war as Westerners define it." Ahmad ‘Izz al-Dīn al-‘Arab wrote in a short article in al-Wafd...
The history of the Egyptian city Alexandria, formerly the “bride of the Mediterranean.”


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