Displaying 411 - 420 of 1413.
  According to Brigade General Muhammad Rashad who is the former head of Egypt-Israel unit in the Egyptian military intelligence, “Israel supports terrorist groups in Sinai and groups such as the MB in order to destabilize Egypt”. Rashad added “Hamas is originally an Israeli project and they...
In his show on OnTV, ʿĪsā said “the state should deal with the Muslim Brotherhoods as spies and traitors especially after the economic conference because they proved they are traitors”. ʿĪsā added “people will attack the Muslim Brothers everywhere if the government does not deal with them”. Read...
Russia and several European states introduced new measures against the Muslim Brotherhood and affiliated organizations. In particular, France is planning to implement stricter laws and procedures. Such an approach has to be understood against the backdrop of the recent terrorist attacks against...
  The Egyptian Foreign Ministry expressed alarm over the incomplete version of events presented in the High Council for Human Right’s report on the events that occurred in Egypt on January 25, 2015. The Ministry said that the report completely ignored that the Brotherhood plants many explosive...
Rev. Dr. Andrea Zaki new head of the Evangelical denomination [in Egypt], said that he will focus in the coming months on deepening the spiritual role of the local Church and making sure it serves its community. He added that he will also focus on the role of youth and the issues that concern them...
Websites connected to ISIS reported that the organization’s fighters had kidnapped and slaughtered 21 Egyptian Christians in Libya. They said the kidnappings came as revenge for Muslim women who were exposed to persecution at the hands of "the Copts in Egypt." The extremist organization specified...
Al-Azhar which has resisted and persecuted those who have attempted to reform Islam since the end of the 19th century, is now being called upon by Egypt’s president to do what they have long suppressed:. reforming Islam. The response of the shaykhs of al-Azhar has been to announce conferences and...
Egyptian President `Abd al-Fattah al-Sisi swore in a new government on Saturday, a week after the previous administration resigned following a corruption scandal and less than a month prior to parliamentary elections, the first since 2012.
During the first annual conference of the Egyptian Foundation for Refugee Rights under the title “The roles and responsibilities of refugees in Egypt”, Head of the Association of Egyptian Female Lawyers, Rābha Fathī, gave a speech on how her Association helps female Syrian refugees by giving them...
Honouring Charlie Hebdo supports terrorism Mohammed Muchtār Gamʿaa, Minister of the Awqāf Ministry, criticises that the 2015 award for journalistic integrity and courage went to the French satire magazine Charlie Hebdo. To award a magazine that does not respect religious feelings is synonymous with...


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