Displaying 441 - 450 of 1413.
The German Catholic organization Missio asked Arab-West Report about Migration, dialogue and socio-pastoral challenges for Christians in Egypt. Father Douglas May, MM, A U. S. Catholic priest’s perspective based on 18 of the last 30 years in Egypt.
Strict Islam infected restaurants and cafés after demands to allow beard growing were raised inside the army, interior ministry and judiciary. [Rānyā Nabīl, al-Ahālī, Feb. 29, p. 3] Read text in Arabic
Participants in a conference organized recently by the Fellowship of Middle East Evangelical Churches (FMEEC) in the Lebanese capital Beirut called for all governments and organizations concerned to work hard to detect facts about what is going in the Middle East countries and enlighten the world...
[The interview was carried out by Cornelis Hulsman, the transcript was made by Fidel Bartholdy]
The first phase of the Egyptian elections witnessed major influence by religious movements. This became clear on the one hand in discourse in which the political and religious spheres became confused, especially after a rumor spread of the church supporting two candidates from the Egyptian Bloc [a...
In Tahrīr and in squares throughout the nation, Egyptians once again filled public space. In fact, by appearances they did so in greater numbers than at the height of the January 25 revolution which deposed President Mubārak. What is not clear altogether is why they were there, or who they...
Text presented for the European-Arab Dialogue Conference at Crete, April 14-16, 2011. In the past 50 years millions of migrants from southern Mediterranean countries have entered Europe. Of course Europe has witnessed migration gulfs earlier but this one was the first with so many people coming...
[Lamīs Yahyá is an Egyptian student living in Germany who is supporting the Egyptian student movement for democratization in Egypt. She earlier wrote the investigative report on the conflict around the building of a Coptic Orthodox Church in Marīnāb, September 30, 2011.]
One year ago this evening Egypt was rocked by an explosion in Alexandria, killing twenty-one and injuring over 170, at the Two Saints’ Church in the Sīdī Bishr region. One year before that, at Coptic Christmas on January 7, six Christians were killed along with a Muslim security guard at a church...
It is the time before the presidential elections. Egypt is in the middle of a possible transitional period and a mostly transitional mood.


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