Displaying 461 - 470 of 1413.
As an American Christian in Egypt I find that I instinctively view events here through the following lens: Liberals are the good guys, Islamists are the bad guys, and the army is somewhere in between, perhaps neutral, perhaps not. Complicated times beg for simplistic narratives, and this one...
PVV spokesman for Foreign Affairs, Raymond de Roon, MP for the party of Geert Wilders, published on October 11th a blacklist of “Islamic Violence Against Christians in Egypt in 2011”. This list is a simplified version of what was previously published in (internet) publications in the West—many of...
  The Coptic calls for foreign protection to solve the Coptic problems in Egypt provoked extreme feelings of anger amongst Egyptians. The Islamic Movement issued yesterday a statement in which it announced its entire objection to the protection calls made by some Coptic organizations abroad. The...
The Alexandria court of urgent matters' first circle adjourned on September 25 looking into the Two Saints Church case to the November 13 session to resume investigations and bring former Interior Minister Habīb al-Ādlī before the prosecution. The church had filed a lawsuit against the prime...
The number of the martyrs in the attacks on the Egyptian border rose to 7 yesterday (September 10). 'Imad 'Abd al-Malak died of his injuries in Kobri al-Qoba hospital. He was wounded during the bombardment of a car, and four of his colleagues were also taken to hospital. He underwent surgery, but ...
Cairo was ranked first among the governorates of Egypt according to levels of violence against women during the month of July, which reported the highest rate of violence with 10 incidents, followed by the provinces Qalyubiya, Giza and Alexandria. 
Prominent Islamist Sheikh Mohamed Amer has declared that Field Marshal Hussein Tantawi, supreme commander of the Egyptian armed forces, should be considered "leader of the faithful" due to his current capacity as military ruler of the country.
What had been planned as a “Friday of unifying the ranks” ended, as unanimously agreed by the Egyptian media, as a “Friday of splitting the ranks”. While the day began with various political groups, including Islamists, converging on Tahrir Square in numbers that came close to a million, it ended...
A former coach of Egypt’s National Football Team once said it was beyond him to understand the nature of the character of some of Egypt’s national team players. They carefully abided by training routines, they comprehended strategies and carried them out on the green field, and they knew very well...
 Hours before the trial of former President Husnī Mubārak, his two sons and former Interior Minister Habīb al-'Adlī tomorrow, all legal and security arrangements were finally finished for the first trial of its kind to ever take place in Egypt.  


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