Displaying 501 - 510 of 1413.
Egypt in its entirety stood horrified a few days ago at the Salafists in the southern town of Qena, who challenged the authority of the State and the rule of law and enforced hadds [Islamic penalty] on a Copt.    
 The author confirms that the discrimination of southerners is near and the some questionnaires will terminate the issue.  
Copts in the Egyptian media 42 Our reading of the Cairo papers this week takes us to the weekly, State-owned al-Mussawar and the file it recently published on “Do Copts hate the July Revolution?” In his article entitled, “Copts under Jamāl 'Abd al-Nāsir,” Midhat Bishāy attempted to cite both the...
 The author throws light on the crisis between Najīib Jabrā’īl and Bishop Marqus, which prompted Pope Shenouda to prevent holding any public conferences in any bishopric without his prior consent.    
Following his dispute with the governorate of Minia over the construction of a new Cathedral, Bishop Aghathon declined to attend a meeting called for by the governor and renewed his threat to stage a protest in front of 'Abāsīyah Cathedral in Cairo. He also confirmed that his steps are supported by...
As a Brit I've never before been a revolutionary. Revolution just isn't in our vocabulary. Our American friends, as we might expect, were all gung ho on it from the start. My sympathies were entirely with Mr. Mubārak, who had served his country well in the Air Force, then as Vice-President under...
 Reports released by international and domestic organizations have shown Egypt to be among the top corrupt nations on earth. However shocking this may sound, bribing civil servants has become the norm in Egypt. In its Global Corruption report 2009, Transparency International attributes Egypt’s...
During the revolution the Muslim Brotherhood, which was banned under the ex-regime, got on well with the young people, just as they listened to other political activists. The group gained more respect when they announced that hey won't be running in the presidential elections. In the meantime, they...
 The author highlights moderation and centrism in the Arab and Muslim countries. The author believes that those who preach moderation and centrism do not apply them in reality. He gives a brief account of the two terms in the past centuries, and shows that the use of them has been controversial,...
Fanatics lose one round; Nūr Qaldas; Watani Printing and Publishing Corporation; Cairo; June 2010


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