Displaying 531 - 540 of 1413.
Editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman: Dr. Michael Burslem (78) is a retired Canadian medical doctor and is a longtime friend of mine. He and his wife usually spend the winter months in Cairo when weather is substantially more pleasant in Egypt then in Canada and they spend the summers in Canada when...
AWR's intern Toon Bijnens analyzes the media coverage on the church of Two Martyrs St. Mina and St. George incident.   The church is located in Sūl village of 'Ātfīh (Governorate of Helwan). Angry Muslim young-men set the church on fire after seeing a muslim girl with a christian young-man called '...
Editor: Muslims prayed at Tahrir Square. This was followed today by a Christian prayer at Tahrir Square. This prompted our board member Dr. Amin Makram Ebeid to visit Tahrir Square for the first time the demonstrations started. The following is his report.   My wife Jailane and I accompanied my son...
Dan Wooding, founder of ASSIST Ministries, reported on the massacre of a Christian family in the village of Sharona near Maghagha, Minya province, on January 30, news which was terribly shocking. Wooding obtained the news from Mary Abdelmessih, writing for the Assyrian International News Agency (...
  Jayson Casper previews the "Day of Wrath," a protest by Egyptian opposition parties that corresponds with Egypt's Police Day holiday...      
Inspired by Tunisian Muhammad Bu‘Āzīzī, who burned himself and thereby triggered the Tunisian “Jasmine Revolt,” several Egyptians have set themselves ablaze during the last week. “Egypt has not witnessed this phenomenon before, and never saw murder and killings like now,” said Shaykh Salāh ‘Abū...
  The article discusses the Tunisia inspired self-torching in Egypt, which has so far been limited to Muslim men. It emphasized that “all the divine religions condemn a person, who commits suicide as a non-believer”. Furthermore, the article at hand points out that since the Tunisia events suicide...
Najīb Jabrā’īl, the head of the Egyptian Union for Human Rights has called on Arab leaders attending the economic summit in Sharm al-Shaykh to place Christians in the Arab world on "the map of the general culture in the Arab world," as well as regard Christendom as an integral part of Arab culture...
A new study called "Social politics and terrorism in the Egyptian community ideology" revealed that the country's politics and its faults resulted in a lot of Egyptians joining Islamist groups. The study was made by Sawsan Fāyīd, expert at the National Council for Social and Criminal studies....
Former Muslim Brotherhood parliamentary candidate Majdī ‘Āshūr told al-Dustūr that he respects the group’s decision of him not representing them in parliament and that he will continue to serve the people of al-Nuzhah district as an independent member. He said that he has been under a lot of...


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