Displaying 491 - 500 of 1413.
Here is the second episode in a dreadful series of events that appear to have no end in sight. We had thought that the 25 January revolution would open a new chapter in the relations between Muslims and Copts—given their obvious solidarity and sympathy all through the 18-day uprising.
This statement was designed by Dutch Christians and Muslims together and is signed by representatives of the Council of Churches in the Netherlands , the Contact Assembly Muslims and Government, and the Coptic Orthodox Church in the Netherlands .    
Arab-West Report, March 28, 2011 Title: Interview with Mr. Sharīf ‘Ismat ‘Abd al-Majīd (Founder of the “Hatef Islami”) about the current situation in Egypt Authors: Drs. Cornelis Hulsman, Arndt Emmerich and Judit Kuschnitzki Introduction of Mr. Sharīf ‘Ismat ‘Abd al-Majīd: In 2000 I left the hotel...
On Saturday April 9, the police detained political activist Wā’il Abū Layl for 15 days, due to his alleged acts of violence against demonstrators on Tahrīr Square. Following a conference of the 25 January Revolution Youth Coalition, political activists accused the Muslim Brotherhood (MB) for being...
The Coptic Orthodox Church calls on all people to seek good ethics and bring anyone who commits mistakes before justice irrespective of their religion, according to Archpriest Ṣalīb Sawirus, a member of the Church's al-Majlis al-Millī (Community Council). Jamal As'ad, a Coptic activist, said that...
Why has the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces resorted to salafī shaykhs in reconciliation drives between Copts and Muslims, following sectarian clashes against a background of social disputes? The Council was rather expected to seek the assistance of the Azhar, which advocates moderate Islam as...
In this article, the author highlights a voice recording published at al-Marsad al-Islāmī Limuqāwmat al-Tansīr (Islamic Observatory for the Resistance to Christianization) website http://www.tanseerel.com by a Muslim who alleged that he hosted Kamīliyā after she declared her desire to convert to...
The number of mass murder crimes increased greatly in Egyptian society over the last three years. Some believe that depression resulting from the high cost of living leads some citizens to momentary madness, whereas others argue that the accessibility to weapons without regulations are the reason...
Six Christians killed their sister’s Muslim husband, 22, after she converted to Islam in revenge. Investigations revealed that the accused took the deceased to a deserted house and stabbed him to death. They then threw his corpse into a canal. The prosecution accused the six Christian suspects of...
Some youth lied in wait in a mosque for a worker from Ismailia governorate and stabbed him with big knives until he was dead during the "taraweeh prayer."


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