Displaying 451 - 460 of 1413.
Following publication of a report detailing video evidence from the October 9, 2011 attack on a mostly Coptic demonstration at Maspero, a few people have sent in additional evidence. This appendix report updates the original text. Officer Fires on Protestors – Maspero (30 seconds)
Yesterday and today I was at the Mujama' administrative building at Tahrīr square to complete the residence permit in my passport. Just around the corner was the burned building of the Scientific Research Center besides Parliament. The military has sealed off the Qasr al-'Inī and Shaykh Rayhān...
One of the most confusing aspects of the recent clashes in Tahrīr Square is why they happened at all. The basic story, told at length here, is that a small group of sit-in protestors were dispersed violently by police, and as word spread more and more protestors joined their ranks. Eventually...
I am writing this article in response to what Lex Runderkamp has broadcast on the Dutch TV on November 27th, 2011, concerning al-Mārīnāb incidents that took place in the beginning of last October. I have been stimulated too by what was published by al-Masrīyūn newspaper, a religious-oriented...
News is almost never as it appears.  On December 1st I went with investigative researcher and former lieutenant with the Egyptian coastal security Intelligence Rā’id al-Sharqāwī to Tahrīr square.  The square is currently blocked for traffic by perhaps 2,000 demonstrators asking people wanting to...
Lex Runderkamp, the journalist responsible for the “news report” of NOS-TV on the tensions surrounding a church under construction in Mārīnāb, responded to the commentary about his film in Arab-West Report in a text I promptly translated for Arab-West Report and gave to Lamīs Yahyá, author of our...
Results of the first round of Egypt's first post-Mubārak parliamentary elections, as announced by the High Judicial Elections Commission (HJEC) showed progress by the Democratic Alliance for Egypt, in which the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) obtained 40% of the votes, followed...
Following the NOS reporting and responses I asked Lamis Yehya, who had joined me in the visit to Mārīnāb to come to our office in Cairo.  
Veteran journalist Lex Runderkamp visited Egypt to report about what happened on September 30th in Mārīnāb. He reported for Dutch TV, in prime time, on November 26th [Title: “Conflict between Copts and Muslims is complicated”].
Human rights activist spotted election propaganda for the candidates of the Muslim Brotherhood's Freedom and Justice Party (FJP) at the Abū Ismā'īl school station in violation of the law.


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