Displaying 511 - 520 of 1413.
Although the bombed Coptic church in Alexandria will be completely restored by Easter, recent incidents, like the burned down church in Helwan, act as reminders of anti-Coptic forces within the country. Copts complain about still existing unfair Church building laws that, by discriminating between...
On Friday, March 25, Salafists' activists demonstrated in front of the Qā’id Ibrāhīm Mosque in Alexandria, calling for the withdrawal of current Deputy Prime Minister Yaḥyā al-Jamal and his overly secular views. In the course of the day, verbal and physical scuffles between Salafists and other...
These days, a lot of rumors are flying around on mobile phone text messages, e-mails and social media. Such messages pose a major threat – among many – to the country's security, because they make many citizens suffer sleepless, panic-filled nights. Some rumors can jeopardize lives. The clashes...
Kūrnīsh al-Nīl area, beside the building of the Egyptian television, is Nevine Naguib's way to work every day. One day, during Copts protest on the demolishing of the church of Two Martyrs, Saint Mina and Saint George in 'Ātfīh, she had a personal experience on the ideologies of some Muslims...
[Editor AWR: Both Cardinal Patriarch Antonius Naguib (Cardinal of Coptic Catholic Church in Egypt) and AWR editor-in-chief Cornelis Hulsman were asked to give presentations about the place of Christians in Egypt today on occasion of "The Parlamentarischer Abend" (informal evening meeting of...
The revolution has inspired many young Egyptian people who dream of social justice. They could achieve this by forming a political party or by leading a peaceful demonstrations. The revolution has sparked their sincerity and their loyalty to the country. Young Egyptians want to be one of the...
 The Land Center for Human Rights organized a meeting on Saturday, March 11, 2011 in ‘Ayāt which is not far from ‘Ātfīh. This meeting did not discuss the burning of the church in ‘Ātfīh but dealt with the issue of corruption and bribery by government officials, the seizure of public money, and the...
Many more Egyptians are reading opposition newspapers these days. Al-Ahrām is alleged to have lost senventy percent of its' readers since the revolution. Al-Wafd, Al-Shurūq and Al-Misrī Al-Yawm have proven to be very popular these days. Furthermore, newspapers have also realized the importance of...
The revolution in Egypt left the local media scene of Egypt completely changed. State-owned media used to be completely unreliable, but now they have altered their policies. The state media are also experiencing changes in leadership. However, the process is definitely not completed yet. Experts...
AWR's managing director Hānī Labīb visited Tahrīr square and closeby Maspero (Egyptian Television building) on March 11, 2011 where a large (uncounted) number of protestors and demonstrators from many governorates were: Muslims and Christians, young and old, and men and women came to unify their...


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