Displaying 521 - 530 of 1413.
 AWR's managing director Hānī Labīb analyzes a paper that was distributed by salafīs downtown Cairo, protesting the alleged imprisonment of Kāmīliyā Shihātah, the wife of a priest who alegedly wanted to convert to Islam for divorce reasons.    
AWR was pleased to cooperate with Encounter, a program of ABC radio, Australia. For the interviews and transcript of ABC please check this address: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/encounter/stories/2011/3147651.htm#transcript  
My fifteen years living in Egypt has given me a lot of connections, including Egyptian diplomats, who are now providing me with stories about current developments in Egypt. It is very common among diplomats that they are ready to give visitors an off the record insight in what is happening in their...
We find it special to experience these events in Egypt. It is, however, not our first such experience. In 1998 we lived in Jakarta and experienced the fall of Suharto, 2nd president of Indonesia (1967-1998). We moved to Macedonia, just when the Kosovo war started. We also experienced the civil war...
Bishop Mūsa writes, there is no doubt that the youth who protested in Tahrīr Square, and other places, were like the sweeping tsunami. He related the cause to three main reasons: first, the despotism the youth suffered from not being heard by the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP); second,...
Editor: AWR received this text before President Mubarak announced he would step down. Nothing in the media indicated that this could happen tonight, yet it did.   Ever since the demonstrations began on January 25, men of religion have been stressing the importance of them not being transformed from...
President Mubarak resigned today. We have witnessed much of the events leading up to his resignation showing that reporting in the West provided a biased image. Images of Tahrir Square dominated most media since January 25 but little was reported about other parts of the country.   Foreigners...
It finally happened !! Mubarak has stepped down and cleared the way for the necessary change in the country. Nothing can parallel the emotional roller coaster ride Egypt has gone through these past weeks, but in a way events parall the fall of the Berlin Wall 1989. Watching from the distance like...


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