List of organizations used in AWR-Articles
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Formed by general Shafiq
The Egyptian Organization for Human Rights, founded in April 1985 and with its headquarters in Cairo, Egypt, is a non-profit NGO and one of the longest-standing bodies for the defense of human rights in Egypt. Foundation: April 1985; Area served: Egypt Founders: Saad Eddin Ibrahim, Hani Shukrallah; Type of business: Non-Profit Organization.
Microcredit initiative locatedaround Greater Cairo, funded by USAID.
Left liberal party, founded after the 25 January Revolution by notable party members: Muhammad Abū al-Ghār, Dā'ūd 'Abd al-Sayīd, filmmaker, Activist 'Amr Hamzāwī and Mirvat al-Tilāqī, former under secretary of the UN and Executive Secretary of ESCWA.
Official website:
A Party that is considred Parallel to the American Tea Party that discusses several Political Topics.
The website EgyptSource, run by the Atlantic Council
www-Elaph .com
UAE Government / United Arab Emirates Government
a multidisciplinary advisory services and investment company founded in 1981, engaged in the domain of sustainable living. The founder is Dr. Mouneer Neamatalla.