This article describes a conference held in Sharm al-Sheikh organized by the Coptic Evangelical Organization for Social Services. The director of the CEOSS, Nabil Abadir, stated that the purpose of the conference was to discuss “the tragic cultural dilemma Egypt is living through, hoping to build the foundation of a national dialogue that would lead to a future of pluralism, democracy, and civic society.” Political groups such as the Muslim Brotherhood and general governmental issues, like the banning of woman judges from the High Court came under direct fire during the conference. There was direct confrontation between liberals and Islamists during the conference, and at times the discussion took on a very religious undertone. The last issue discussed in the article is that of the role of different organizations in civil society. There simply are not enough NGOs which can work from a grassroots to a national level to accomplish the goals of a true civil society. Some members of the conference also called upon the media to act with more courage when dealing events that the government might not like their comments on.