The three Orthodox, Evangelical and Catholic churches expressed discontent over the constituent assembly in its current lineup as several political powers quitted due to differences between the majority MPs and independent legislators regarding the rates of representation inside the panel.
The Coptic Orthodox Church delayed announcing a position on the withdrawals pending a Holy Synod meeting planned for Tuesday (April 3).
“The most likely decision to be taken is the withdrawal from the constituent assembly like the Azhar did. Both the Holy Synod and the Millī Council are constantly convening on the matter,” an informed source from the Holy Synod said on condition of anonymity.
Majdī Shenouda, the Orthodox Church’s representative at the constituent assembly, said Copts on the panel cannot withdraw except by virtue of a decision by the church, which named the representatives on that panel in the first place. [‘Abd al-Wahāb Sha’bān, al-Wafd, April 1, p. 6] Read original text in Arabic