Our November 4 review of Prof. Hans Jansen’s article “Copts” in Hoeiboei, on October 14th led Jansen to write that “Most arguments in defence of Islam are known in The Netherlands for what they are, it makes little sense to repeat these another time. With best wishes, Hans Jansen.” [ In Dutch: De meeste argumenten ter verdediging van de islam zijn in Nederland inmiddels wel al gezien voor wat ze zijn, het heeft weinig zin om die nog eens te laten herhalen. Met vriendelijkegroet, HansJansen.]
Prof. Wolfram Reiss, University of Vienna, responded: “Congratulations, your article is wonderful. I read the biography of Muhammad Jansen wrote. It is awful full of polemics. It is full of destruction of al-Sīrah al-Nabawīyyah, but on the other side, he does not have any other alternative. The summary of Jansen’s work is: Nobody knows anything about Muhammad because everything is wrong in al-Sīrah. Of course there are good critical remarks which should be considered, but on the other side he does not show any other perspective to deal with the biography."
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