[Text spoken at the Missio-organized Parlamentarischer Abend in Berlin, March 15, 2011. The meeting was well attended. Seven members of parliament from different political parties participated, along with assistants of other members in parliament and diplomats of the Foreign Ministry. Dr. Otmar Oehring, head of the human rights section of Missio was very satisfied with the attendance and interest despite the attention now going to the consequences of the dramatic earthquake in Japan, followed by a tsunami and problems in nuclear power stations.]
I would like to thank you for your generous invitation to speak here tonight with His Eminence Cardinal Antonius Naguib. I would like to thank Missio for publishing my text, “The context of the brutal attack on a Coptic Orthodox Church in Alexandria on January 1, 2011. Analysis based on 15 years of research in Muslim-Christian relations in Egypt.” [Published in Missio Human Rights publication no. 41, 2011. Missio Bestellnummer 600310.]
Read here the statement of Cardinal Naguib on the same occasion